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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Being Personal on Blogs

Trying to be personal on blog posts is a decision based on the profile of your blog. It means that one should only get personal when the experience being shared expressly and impliedly affects the business you are promoting. If there is no link between the business and the personal experience being shared, the blog will not get the most hits. For example to write a more friendly blog on Tia's Bakery, I should be focused on sharing experience based on gluten free items which could be tracked or searched and are google Ad-sense friendly.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Use of Twitter in Finding new Customers

Twitter which is one of the most popular social network these days can also be used for finding new customers, leads and people who are interested in the products either you produce or are related in some way to that. Twitter also helps in identification of competitors in your particular area and is therefore an important tool to keep into view the products being launched by your competitor and the strategies being followed.
For the Tia's Bakery I tried to follow people who are either related to the company in the gluten free products and produce them to sell to various customers. The use of hashtags of #Gluten resulted in three of the competitors currently being followed. This can now be used to benchmark quality of their products, customer reviews and their website quality. Also a constant eye on the accounts will result in knowing what the customer has launched new and to gain more ideas.
Another search in the current following of these competitors resulted in a result of America's Pharmacist who shall be a speaker in the Gluten Summit on November 11-17 in an online event. This could also be helpful in identifying and meeting many new customers and if offered a chance Tia's bakery could also advertise its products in order to gain more customer acceptance.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Visuals In Business

Rudi's Bakery which is one of the related business mainly uses Facebook as its visual platform through asking the visitor to create and share their Toast Masterpiece on Facebook. This provides an excellent opportunity of creativity to the user and therefore more users are attracted towards the website once the link is shared on the world's fastest growing social media network.
Rudi's have used a lot of animated content instead of text content mainly to attract kids of small age and as the saying goes "A picture is worth a thousand words", now it seems that it really is the story of every branded website. Gluten-free products specialized for a specific group makes Rudi's niche target market and therefore Facebook is the best platform to share the availability of such products.

Visit to review the visual effects on the webpage

Another website using visual and social media content related to the food business is Pamela's Products. It uses Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter in order to gain social media access but their links for the social media are far below the page which makes these ineffective as compared to the Rudi's. Although there are many pictures therein which makes a visitor to recommend web page to another person but there is difficulty in finding how that should be done.

Visit and compare the differences in the visual effects and use of social media platforms.

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Facebook pages that I chose to "Like" as those which have a direct impact on our business sales or are business which are likely to attract consumers who would also be interested in the products which we offer.
Consumers who visit those pages are most likely seeking gluten free foods.  These are our target market and we hope to build brand recognition by aligning our company with more well established gluten free brands.