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Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Use of Twitter in Finding new Customers

Twitter which is one of the most popular social network these days can also be used for finding new customers, leads and people who are interested in the products either you produce or are related in some way to that. Twitter also helps in identification of competitors in your particular area and is therefore an important tool to keep into view the products being launched by your competitor and the strategies being followed.
For the Tia's Bakery I tried to follow people who are either related to the company in the gluten free products and produce them to sell to various customers. The use of hashtags of #Gluten resulted in three of the competitors currently being followed. This can now be used to benchmark quality of their products, customer reviews and their website quality. Also a constant eye on the accounts will result in knowing what the customer has launched new and to gain more ideas.
Another search in the current following of these competitors resulted in a result of America's Pharmacist who shall be a speaker in the Gluten Summit on November 11-17 in an online event. This could also be helpful in identifying and meeting many new customers and if offered a chance Tia's bakery could also advertise its products in order to gain more customer acceptance.

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